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  • Writer's pictureCristina Ferrero Castaño

Big Data, the great and forgotten ally of Spanish companies.

Nuvix Consulting has published a new White Paper, 'Big Data, Machine Learning and Business Intelligence', with the aim of raising awareness among the Spanish business community about the advantages of applying these tools in their businesses.

Equipos y Talento

October 22, 2021

Companies handle a wealth of valuable information from customers, suppliers and the context of their industry. However, the volume of this data is so massive that detecting patterns and drawing conclusions that benefit the company can be impossible for the skills of workers. Fortunately, Big Data tools help companies to collect and organise all this information and transform it into useful knowledge for the company. So much so that 64% of companies that have ever used this technology say they notice improvements in their efficiency and productivity, according to MicroStrategy's '2020 Global State of Enterprise Analytics' study, while 51% of companies report improved financial performance.

Although there are many advantages to the automatic organisation and interpretation of data, the truth is that Big Data has not yet been widely adopted by the business world.

¿Cuántas empresas en España han usado esta tecnología? ¿Cómo es el nivel del Big Data español comparado con el europeo? ¿Cuáles sectores están acostumbrados a usar más estas herramientas? ¿Cómo se puede aprovechar el Big Data de la mejor forma para cada sector? A estas y otras preguntas ha dado respuesta Nuvix Consulting, consultora especializada en la transformación de modelos de negocio, en su White Paper 'Big Data, Machine Learning y Business Intelligence', a través del cual los expertos de la consultora han analizado el estatus del Big Data en España y en Europa. En este documento, la consultora también ofrece ventajas concretas sobre el uso de análisis y procesamiento de datos automático en distintos sectores profesionales.

How many companies in Spain have used this technology? How does the level of Big Data in Spain compare to Europe? Which sectors are accustomed to using these tools more? How can Big Data be used in the best way for each sector? These and other questions have been answered by Nuvix Consulting, a consultancy firm specialising in the transformation of business models, in its White Paper 'Big Data, Machine Learning and Business Intelligence', through which the experts of the consultancy firm have analysed the status of Big Data in Spain and Europe. In this document, the consultancy firm also offers concrete advantages on the use of analysis and automatic data processing in different professional sectors.

Precisely, one of the main conclusions of this report is the low assimilation of Big Data among Spanish companies despite its potential. Only 6% of companies in Spain used Big Data tools during 2020, either with their own employees or through an external company, according to the latest reports published by Eurostat.

These figures place Spain in 8th place at the bottom of the EU in terms of Big Data integration in companies, well below the European countries that lead the ranking: Malta (29%), the Netherlands (26%) and the United Kingdom (25%). Spain also lags behind the European Union as a whole, with a degree of integration of 13% among all companies in the monetary union.

Esta desigualdad en el uso corporativo del Big Data también es especialmente notable dentro de España, con grandes diferencias entre las comunidades autónomas. De hecho, Nuvix Consulting destaca en su White Paper que la Comunidad de Madrid es la única CCAA que supera los dos dígitos de empresas que utilizaron herramientas de Big Data en el primer trimestre de 2020 (12,1%), según la 'Encuesta sobre el uso de TIC y comercio electrónico en las empresas publicada' por el INE. Le siguen en este sentido Castilla-La Mancha (9,6%) y Baleares (9,3%), mientras que algunas comunidades con un amplio tejido empresarial como Cataluña y País Vasco se quedan atrás en este sentido con un 7,6% y 7,5%, respectivamente.

This inequality in the corporate use of Big Data is also particularly notable within Spain, with large differences between autonomous communities. In fact, Nuvix Consulting highlights in its White Paper that the Community of Madrid is the only Autonomous Community that exceeds double digits of companies that used Big Data tools in the first quarter of 2020 (12.1%), according to the 'Survey on the use of ICT and e-commerce in companies published' by the INE. It is followed in this regard by Castilla-La Mancha (9.6%) and the Balearic Islands (9.3%), while some communities with a large business fabric such as Catalonia and the Basque Country lag behind in this regard with 7.6% and 7.5%, respectively.

The ICT sector, well accustomed to Big Data

On the other hand, the experts at Nuvix Consulting have also analysed in their White Paper the use of Big Data in Spain depending on economic activity. One of their main conclusions is that, although there are professional sectors that handle a large amount of data, the inclusion of this technology is less developed than expected.

This is the example of the administrative activities sector (which includes travel agencies), which according to the INE only reaches 6.27% of Big Data integration. The same applies to Spanish real estate companies, as only 8.5% of them claim to have used this technology during the first quarter of 2020. On the other side of the table, the professional sectors with the greatest integration of these tools are information and communication (17.58%), the ICT sector (16.62%) and transport and storage (13.99%).

In this sense, Nuvix Consulting has included in its new White Paper practical cases so that each professional sector can apply the analysis and automatic processing of data through Big Data and, thus, help the general integration of this technology in the business fabric of our country. These are some examples of their analysis:

  • Health: The most characteristic practical case in this sector is the analysis and processing of personalised medicine, which results in diagnoses tailored to the individual patient's case. In addition, the collection of medical data and its subsequent interpretation can also be very useful for the early prescription and prevention of diseases.

  • Financial: The main example of the use of Big Data in this particular sector is the analysis of customer behaviour. Although the financial sector may be one of the sectors with the most practical cases for automatic data analysis, from the automatic interpretation of movements to prevent fraud to achieving greater agility in the resolution of internal processes.

  • Education: The use of Big Data to gather information on students' performance in real time could become the key to achieving truly personalised learning, increasing the capabilities of each student and fostering their aptitudes. A good analysis of this data would also allow us to react in time to absenteeism or failure at school or, on the other hand, to help and guide them in their choice of professional career.

  • Automotive: Massive data analysis makes it much easier to detect defective parts on the assembly line by means of images in order to discard them, thus increasing vehicle safety. Big Data can also be of great use in this sector to automatically analyse the profitability of vehicles and prolong or fine-tune their maintenance.

  • Professional sport: Good data analysis can improve the performance of athletes through the use of smart devices such as smartwatches. Qualified information about the physical activity and health of athletes can be collected and interpreted to help them achieve their goals.

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